By appointment parents can arrange to talk to the academy teachers after school.
The Academy can be contacted by telephone after 4pm on this phone number: 351-5639434
Parent Evenings
During the first half of the winter term and prior to our Easter break there are parent/form teacher interviews.
A parents' evening during the spring term gives parents an opportunity to meet all non-core subject teachers and there is a further opportunity for parents to have a meeting with teachers during the summer term.
Late Pick-up
In the case you are unable to pick your child up at 3:30pm, you can arrange for your child to remain at the Academy until 4.45 for a small additional fee. Please arrange for this extra stay in advance.
School Reports
Parents receive written reports at the end of winter term and at the end of the academic year.
Parental involvement
Parents are valuable helpers on educational visits.
We welcome visits to the classroom when parents are able to share knowledge and expertise on topics related to the curriculum.