Our aim in Early years  is to encourage curious, persistent, independent learners that confidently seek out new experiences. We recognise each individual child's interests and talents and provide a stimulating learning environment with a wide range of enrichment opportunities to reflect them.

Supportive teachers plan purposeful play opportunities, extending and scaffolding children’s learning, whilst fostering resilience and wellbeing. We work together with parents and carers in planning, facilitating and celebrating children’s learning to ensure each child is ready to start school. 

If you are interested in what the academy has to offer your son or daughter and would like to arrange a visit or find out more, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 351 5639424


We have three main programmes;

Early Years ,

Primary (year 1- 5) ,

Middle School ( year 6-8)

 At The Elizabeth English Academy  most  subjects except Italian will be taught in English. In year 4 and 5 we prefer to teach Maths in Italian so as to give the children total immersion within both their language areas. In addition to the written curriculum, children  also partake in PE and arts and crafts on a weekly basis. All classes are purposely small so as to ensure our ability to cater for our pupils’ needs and nurture their bilingual education.

English, Italian and Mathematics as individual subject areas are taught each day while other areas of the curriculum are covered through topic work. Currently, all pupils study English, Mathematics, Science, Art, Geography, History, ICT and PE (e.g. football and volleyball), ICT and Art lessons are taught by specialist members of staff.

Assessment is ongoing, with end of topic and end of year tests in the core and other written subjects. The attainment of each pupil is monitored closely to ensure that all are making the progress of which they are capable.